Friday, January 1, 2010

the Yggyssey by Daniel Pinkwater

The Yggyssey; How Iggy Wondered What Happened to All the Ghosts, Found out Where they Went, and Went There, an interesting title for an interesting book...

Yggyssey, Iggy for short, lives in 1950's Hollywood among the movies stars both living and dead. She lives in the Hermione Hotel which is the home to both people and ghosts. The ghosts include Rudolph Valentino, La Brea Woman and a rabbit named Chase. Iggy is friends with them all and then one day they begin to disappear. With the help of her human friends, Seamus and Martin she begins to investigate where the ghost have gone and starts a journey to Old New Hackensack. The journey is interesting to say the least.

Let me know what you think.

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